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How to Lose Weight Without Affecting Milk Supply

Take advantage of breastfeeding weight loss! Learn how to lose weight while breastfeeding without affecting milk supply. There is nothing wrong with desiring a slimmer and trimmer figure after having a baby. It is ok to love your new bundle of joy but not love the pounds that came along with the pregnancy.

However, don't beat yourself up about it and please give yourself time. If you follow a plan, the extra pounds won't stick around forever. In your quest to lose weight postpartum, we have decided to list a few weight loss tips to experience weight loss while breastfeeding without affecting your milk supply.

Obtain Breastfeeding Weight Loss but Don't Diet While Breastfeeding!

You may have decided that going on a diet is your best option. However, a diet may not hold the answers you are looking for. In fact, there are a number of reasons why you shouldn't diet at all but especially while you're breastfeeding. No, not all diets are "bad", but depending on a plethora of factors and what your current health status is, a diet could potentially make things worse. Overly restricting yourself could lead to an instant decrease in your milk supply, increased hunger and a potential binge. Listed below are a few more reasons you shouldn't diet.

6 Reasons You Shouldn't Diet!

  1. Being hungry is frustrating. Let's be honest: when you're hungry, you're not yourself. Hunger pains are your body's way of telling you that it needs more calories to burn for energy. Of course, you don't want to mindlessly snack on everything that comes your way, but if you simply eat nutritious food that makes you full, you will be more energized, happier, and generally be a more pleasant person to be around.
  2. French fries…in moderation of course! It's no fun depriving yourself of your favorite treats. If you love french fries, then you should be able to treat yourself every now and then. An overly strict diet will tell you to avoid french fries altogether but a healthy lifestyle will allow you to treat yourself occasionally. So no, it's not wise to eat french fries everyday but once in a while shouldn't negatively effect your weight loss plan while breastfeeding.
  3. It's no fun to eat out when you're on a diet. Eating out is something that is generally done with friends and/or family members, and it should be enjoyed! What fun is it going to be if everyone is eating their favorite foods while you've restricted yourself to a side salad? One major tip is to thoroughly review the menu before you arrive. What meal moderation can you make before you order? As for an example, if they offer a loaded baked potato with your meal, can you request loaded broccoli instead? Or can you request water and flavor it with Crystal Light or order a diet soda instead? So no, you don't have to ask for salad with no dressing but if you make moderations, you should be fine.
  4. Dieting is just plain boring! You're not boring! You are a busy mother who's breastfeeding with busy children. Therefore, avoid buying certain snacks such as Oreos, Chips Ahoy and buy more fruit, almonds, cashews, pecans, dark chocolate and popcorn. These are good snacks to keep on hand.
  5. Dieting creates the mindset that losing weight will improve all aspects of your life. Newsflash: it won't! Instead of spending your time, energy, and efforts into putting yourself down because you haven't reached your weight loss goal, why not work on loving yourself by making overall healthy choices?
  6. Dieting creates feelings of guilt about food. When you diet, your mind tends to divide foods into categories of "good" and "bad". When you consume "bad" foods, you feel guilty. Of course, some foods are more healthy for you, and you should include plenty of them in your diet, but if you want to eat a bag of potato chips, you should be able to without berating yourself about it. It doesn't make you a bad person because you choose to eat one donut. However, if you suffer from binge eating, then you should find yourself an accountability partner or speak to a licensed therapist to get to the root cause of the issue.

For the most part, dieting simply doesn't work. In fact, most people gain back a large percentage of the weight they lose. Instead of dieting, why not commit to an achievable amount of exercise each week and include a certain number of fruits and veggies with your meals? It's all about a lifestyle change. With the tips listed below, you should be able to experience weight loss fastly.

How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding Without Affecting Milk Supply?

  1. Eat Complex Carbs instead of "Empty Carbs". This is definitely an adjustment for most. Empty carbs can be found in donuts, candy bars, your favorite sodas and more. They are hard to cut because the sugar in them are addictive. While breastfeeding, your body will crave carbs since you are burning calories while you breastfeed. However, if you eat complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, white potatoes, wheat bread, pumpkin, peas, quinoa and fruit, you will be able to feel full with eating less calories which will positively impact your weight loss goals.
  2. Eat less sugar. There is sugar in just about everything you eat except for vegetables. Therefore, if your goal is to lose weight, then you want to eliminate sugars found in donuts, cakes, cookies, sodas, etc. If you are craving a soda, you could try a sparkling water flavored with Crystal light.
  3. Eat More Vegetables. Try to have a vegetable with every meal. For instance, with breakfast, have sliced cucumbers and tomatoes with salt and pepper. For lunch, have a side salad with your meal and for dinner, have steamed veggies. It will be an adjustment at first but your body and mind will get used to it. You can also add veggies to your smoothies. Spinach, Kale, Chok Boy are all good additions.
  4. Change your habits. You don't need a dessert with every meal. Another habit you can change is to stop parking so close to the front door of the grocery store or mall. Change how you see exercise. Look at it as a blessing instead of a burden. Purchase a joggling stroller and turn your walks with baby to jogs.
  5. Eat more fruit. Most fruit has natural sugar in it but it's not as bad for you. However if the goal is to lose weight while breastfeeding without affecting your milk supply, then try to eat more berries such as strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Also, eat bananas, apples, oranges, etc.
  6. Drink more water. This actually should have been number one. When you are breastfeeding, your water intake needs to increase like never before. Breast milk is made up of 88% water. Therefore, if mommy is dehydrated, then she produces less breast milk. Also, drinking more water will help you flush out any water weight you may be holding onto.
  7. Lift weights. Start with the lightest weight you can hold, perfect your form and then increase the weight. And NO weights won't make you bulk like a man especially if you're moderating your diet.
  8. Meal prep. Human error is inevitable and you are a busy new mommy. Therefore, if you plan in advance, you are more likely to stick to your new healthy lifestyle. You can make overnight oats for breakfast, rice, veggies, and protein for lunch, whole grain pasta with protein and cream sauce for dinner. Add 2-3 snacks and you have a simple meal prep plan.
  9. Enjoy the journey. Don't beat yourself up. You're new at this. Learn new recipes – Instagram and Pinterest are great for this.

These weight loss tips should help you get started on your journey to a healthier lifestyle and help you lose weight fastly.

BONUS: With your new weight loss journey, it's a must that you create a weekly meal plan. Use our free Weekly Meal Planner Template below to plan all of your meals and snacks for the week!

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How to Lose Weight Without Affecting Milk Supply
